If your baby has allergies, stop using diapers

by:V-Care     2021-03-06
When the baby is using the diaper, if the skin is allergic, he should stop using the diaper immediately. So, what methods can we take to deal with the redness of the baby’s buttocks? Quanzhou Maternal and Child Products Co., Ltd., a supplier of diapers in Fujian, said that in this case, you can try to change to another brand of diapers. Because the baby's skin has individual differences and physiques, the applicable brands and products are also different. In addition, you can also transition by using traditional diapers. At the same time, parents need to be reminded that when using baby skin care products such as oil, powder or shower gel, special care should be taken not to let them stick to the adhesive strip, so as not to reduce its adhesion. Or choose a diaper with no adhesive waist tape, even if it gets on it. Another advantage of the non-adhesive waist tape is that it won’t worry about sticking to your baby’s tender skin. Mommy should wash her hands before changing diapers to prevent bacteria from contacting the baby's skin. Diapers should be stored in a dry and ventilated room not exposed to direct sunlight to prevent rain, snow, and ground moisture, and they should not be stored together with polluted or toxic chemicals. The above information is organized from: Next: Understand the model of baby diapers, let the baby grow freely
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