If you have a scar physique

by:V-Care     2021-03-22
If you are more likely to pull up a big pimple on a broken wound than ordinary people, then it is very likely that you are the legendary scar physique. From the moment you have this awareness, you have to pay more attention to your body to avoid causing more trouble. First of all, it is not the constitution of the scar that has scars on your skin, but it depends on whether the scars on the surface continue to thicken and increase after the wound is healed, and even feel pain and red itching. The growth of people with scars after skin damage is called keloids, which can grow to a very serious and exaggerated level. However, some people of normal physique also form keloids on the surface after surgery or serious injury. Such people are not scars. If unfortunately you happen to have a scarred physique, then you have to learn more about self-care in daily life to minimize injuries or minimize damaged wounds. When you are injured, if it is a small wound, you can clean it yourself and apply it with an antibacterial ointment containing petroleum jelly. Apply anti-scar cream after the wound has scabbed, several times a day. If the wound is large, burns or contusion, keep it clean and seek medical attention in time. The editor reminds you that you should never use powdered form such as Yunnan Baiyao. Not only is it ineffective, but it will be difficult to create. In a humid environment, the wound surface will heal twice as fast as dry, and it is less likely to form crusts. The most important cause for the development of keloids is infection. Many people know that wounds that are infected and irritated can aggravate the formation of keloids, but they do not know how to deal with them, causing repeated local rupture and aggravating the symptoms of keloids. Finally, the editor reminds everyone that scar constitution is not suitable for cosmetic surgery, especially cosmetic surgery with incisions. However, although modern medicine cannot treat scars, there are still ways to reduce scars.
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