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How to choose a suitable diaper for your baby, these points need to be kept in mind

by:V-Care     2021-03-09
Do you know what parents buy the most for their children? Toys, milk powder, snacks? Actually neither. According to data, parents buy diapers the most for their children. Especially in this period of time, choosing a suitable diaper for the child is a dream wish of parents at that time. So, what are the key points to master when choosing a suitable diaper? 1. First check the size, then touch the softness, and finally compare the fit of the waist and legs. When a baby is just born, many parents will get diapers from relatives and friends, and some parents will buy diapers in advance during pregnancy. At this time, you need to pay attention to the size. The model of a child's diaper is determined by its weight. The size of the diaper is very important because it will particularly affect the baby's activities. If it is too tight, it will tighten the baby's skin and make the baby uncomfortable, while the baby's skin is fragile and will increase the risk of rashes due to repeated friction. If the bag is too loose, the effect of the packaging will not be achieved, and the pee may leak into the bed, which will increase the work of the parents. 2. Touch the thickness and measure the air permeability. Especially in summer, children's delicate skin needs to withstand the test of temperature. Diapers need to be worn on a child's body for 24 hours. This kind of close-fitting item must be light and breathable enough. 3. Take a look at the water absorption rate and see if the diaper’s strong water absorption capacity can ensure that the baby’s buttocks are dry and do not need to be changed frequently, especially at night, to ensure the baby and parents’ sleep. 4. Non-leakage design If the diaper absorbs enough water to leak from the back and outside, the baby's clothes and bedding will still be soaked in urine during actual use. Those diapers with side leakage and urine barrier are really popular for parents, which can help parents reduce a lot of labor. Related tags: diapers Previous post: Baby diaper manufacturers recruit high-quality agents from all over the country Next post: The second child is here! How to choose a baby diaper manufacturer?
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