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How often do I wash my hair? The quality of your hair has the final say! (on)

by:V-Care     2021-03-23
Sisters, have you ever worried that you should wash your hair every few days? I don’t think it is clean if I wash my hair less frequently, but washing my hair every day will wash away the healthy oils. Oh my god, shampooing is also a difficult problem... Actually, because everyone’s hair quality is different, the matter of shampooing varies from person to person. First, determine what kind of hair you belong to, and then decide a few days. Wash your hair once! 1. Fine and soft hair. The hair of the sister paper with fine and soft hair is generally very soft, but the disadvantage is that it is easy to be greasy and flat. Although washing your hair every day can help remove excess oil, it may aggravate the hair loss. For hair sister paper, dry cleaning spray is indispensable, which not only absorbs excess oil, but also protects the stratum corneum. 2. Coarse and hard hair For people with thick hair and thick hair, it is most suitable to wash the hair once every two days. Shampoo and conditioner containing shea butter and nut oil can help maintain moisture in the hair. In addition, you should also comb your hair more at ordinary times to thin the natural oils of the hair to the ends, so that the ends will not feel dry. 3. Oily hair. Sister Paper Meng must be very troublesome. She loves oily scalp, and she can't stand it even if she doesn't wash it for a day. But at this time, you have to hold it. Although washing your hair every day can wash off the excessive secretion of oil, it also increases the instability of sebum. Therefore, use mild cleansing ingredients, such as peppermint, tea tree oil, and wash your hair every other day. In the next issue, the editor will continue to share with you how to care for your hair after dyeing, straightening and electric hair! Finally, personal product manufacturers are actively seeking investment across the country, and sanitary napkin agency, sanitary napkin wholesale and other businesses sincerely invite you to join us!
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