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How much do you know about babies wearing diapers?

by:V-Care     2021-03-09
Basically every baby needs to use diapers, so does every mother have a clear understanding of the knowledge of babies wearing diapers? How often should babies change their diapers? Should I change it when it gets wet? This is all knowledge that mothers need to master. Babies usually have to change their diapers every 3-4 hours, because urination and defecation can irritate the baby's delicate skin. If the diaper is not changed in time, the delicate skin will become congested. If the diaper is not changed in time, the skin will become red or diaper rash will appear. If the diapers are not changed in time, the skin may rot, ulcers, and peel off. So baby's diapers should not be worn for too long. 1. Should the diapers be changed when they are wet? Generally speaking, once the baby's diaper is soiled or wet, the mother should change it in time, otherwise it is prone to diaper rash. 2. Wake up in the morning to change diapers. After your baby wakes up in the morning, first check whether the diaper is wet or dry. Usually, after one night, the baby's diaper is almost wet, so you need to change the diaper in time. 3. Change diapers before going to bed. The baby must change his diaper before going to bed. After changing the clothes, the baby will sleep better and more comfortable. If you don't change it, your baby's small butt will be prone to eczema. 4. Diapers are usually changed in time through inspections. Although newborn babies cannot speak, they know how to remind their mothers by crying. When hearing the child cry, the mother should put her hand in the child's diaper to check. Usually, the mother should also check whether the baby's diaper is wet at any time. You can put your hands on the bottom of the diaper. If the diaper is heavy, it means that the baby's diaper needs to be changed. 5. It is not appropriate to change diapers after drinking milk. After the baby has finished drinking, it is not suitable for mothers to change diapers, because lying on their back can easily cause the baby to spit up milk. Related tags: diapers Previous post: What are the misunderstandings that new mothers tend to make when choosing diapers? Next post: Does the diaper investment promotion agent make money? Easily attract more than 10,000 monthly income
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