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How do dark circles form? Diseases can also cause panda eyes (below)

by:V-Care     2021-03-18
Following the previous issue, the editor continued to analyze the causes of dark circles. 1. Rhinitis can cause dark circles and dark circles. Portrait of dark circles: dark circles from sneezing. Dark circles may also be related to nose problems. If you sneeze and have a runny nose when you get up in the morning all year round, you will have dark circles under the eyes due to the increased blood flow near the sinuses. Response: In addition to actively treating your rhinitis, you also need to pay attention to the following points: Don't stay in a smoky environment to avoid additional irritation to the nose; morning and evening, pay attention to sneezing caused by cold air stimulating the trachea; Don't use too much force, because it will compress the capillaries of the skin. 2. Liver disease can cause dark circles under the eyes Portrait of dark circles: pigmentation on the face and around the eye sockets Dark circles are the external manifestations of some chronic diseases, such as chronic liver disease, especially those with long-term abnormal liver function and hepatomegaly, dark circles under the eyes Often exist for a long time. Approximately 20% of patients with liver disease have pigmentation on exposed areas, such as the face and eye sockets, showing 'dark circles'. Response: The treatment of chronic liver disease is based on resting and diet therapy. It is necessary to reduce the burden on the liver, and at the same time give adequate nutrition to repair the damaged liver cells and restore liver function. 3. Kidney deficiency can cause dark circles. Portrait of dark circles: dull eyes and dark circles under the eyes. Traditional medicine believes that dark circles are caused by kidney deficiency. When the deficiency of kidney essence is small, the eyes lack the nourishment of essence, and the black color of the kidney floats above, so the eyes are dull and the eye circles are dark. If the long-term lifestyle is unhealthy and the sex life is excessive, it is easy to cause dark circles. Response: To prevent overwork, not stay up late, have a regular life, and at the same time strengthen inner self-cultivation and keep a happy mood. You can usually eat more foods with high calcium content, such as bone soup, etc., or refreshing foods and medicines. Finally, personal product manufacturers are actively inviting powerful distributors across the country to join in to create wealth together. Friends who are interested in acting as a sanitary napkin agent, please hurry up and seize the opportunity to enter the market as soon as possible.
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