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Help you analyze the 3 elements of menstrual health

by:V-Care     2021-03-25
Menstruation, also known as the menstrual cycle, is a female physiological cycle. When a female friend reaches puberty, the follicle matures, and under the coordination of luteinizing hormone, the follicle secretes estrogen and stimulates the proliferative changes in the endometrium. However, due to living habits, physical fitness and other conditions, many female friends now have symptoms such as delayed menstruation or dysmenorrhea. I want to know whether my menstrual period is healthy, let me help you to observe the 3 major elements of menstrual health today. 1. The color of menstrual blood In healthy conditions, the color of menstrual blood is dark red, and the blood is mixed with small fragments of the uterine lining, cervical mucus, and vaginal epithelial cells. The editor reminds that if the menstrual blood is thin like water, with only a little pink or black and purple, it is an unhealthy symptom. In addition, when menstrual blood clots, dysmenorrhea may accompany, seek medical attention as soon as possible. 2. Menstrual volume First of all, it is necessary to explain that menstrual volume varies from person to person, generally between 20 and 100 ml. It is normal to change sanitary napkins 3 to 5 times a day. Each menstrual cycle exceeds 3 packs of sanitary napkins (taking the balanced oxygen care series sanitary napkins as an example), it is considered to be excessive menstruation; on the contrary, if one pack cannot be used up for each menstrual cycle, it is considered to be too low menstruation and should be taken as early as Seek medical attention. 3. Menstrual cycle The normal menstrual cycle is 28 to 35 days. Although the menstrual cycle varies from person to person, female friends who have an accurate cycle belong to the category of health. It is normal to delay or advance a week occasionally. In addition, the editor reminds you that if you have 3 non-menstrual bleeding within half a year, you need to do a B-ultrasound examination in time. This is likely to be the most typical symptom of uterine fibroids in the early stage. Finally, female friends can check whether their menstrual period is healthy based on the above three aspects. The editor believes that only by caring about your menstrual health can you take good care of yourself. In addition, personal product manufacturers are actively seeking investment across the country. Sanitary napkin agency, sanitary napkin wholesale and other businesses sincerely invite you to join us!
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