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Heavy taste makes you ugly? At least the skin will not be good

by:V-Care     2021-03-18
Eating too much salt and heavy taste can cause problems such as high blood pressure and gastrointestinal injury. You may not think that a heavy taste diet can make people ugly. There is a French proverb: Beautiful women live on the mountain, not on the seashore. This means that people living on the beach generally eat more salt in their diets, while those on the mountain tend to eat less. The heavy taste not only affects the skin and body, but also affects the hair. Eating too much salt will increase the sodium ions in the body, and there will be problems in the water exchange process inside and outside the cells, resulting in color adhesion, causing rough and dark skin. The increase in sodium ions will also cause facial cells to lose water, which will cause skin aging, and wrinkles will increase over time. In addition to the effect on the skin, eating too much salt can also cause facial swelling, making people easy to gain weight. This is because excessive intake of sodium will hinder the absorption of potassium, resulting in slower blood circulation, accumulation of fat and body waste, and water retention in the body, making the waistline bloated and obese. Finally, personal product manufacturers are actively inviting powerful distributors across the country to join in to create wealth together. Friends who are interested in acting as a sanitary napkin agent, please hurry up and seize the opportunity to enter the market as soon as possible.
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