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Health secrets revealed by hair

by:V-Care     2021-03-22
Most people find that they have early whitening, yellowing, and hair loss. The first reaction is that the hair is not properly treated and the hair is not nutritious. However, a number of dermatologists in the United States said that certain diseases of the body or the drugs taken can affect the condition of the hair. The hair color, nutrition, and density also reflect various diseases of the human body. Today, the editor teaches you to see the hidden health risks of hair problems, so that you can treat the symptoms as soon as possible. ①Health problems revealed by hair color:    (1) Hair color is too dark-beware of cancer.    Although black hair is the healthy hair color of yellow people, it is abnormal if the hair is too dark or suddenly darkened. If your hair is too dark, or if it has not been too dark but suddenly becomes pitch black, you may get cancer. (2) Yellow hair-beware of anemia due to physical weakness    If the hair is yellow and dry and sparse, it is mostly caused by chronic illness or malnutrition, mostly due to insufficient blood and unhealthy performance; yellowish brown or light yellow is the thyroid Low function, or high degree of malnutrition; severe iron deficiency anemia and the initial recovery of a serious illness will also cause the body to reduce melanin, causing the black hair to gradually turn yellowish brown or light yellow. (3) The hair suddenly turns red-beware of heavy metal poisoning.    The hair of the yellow race is slightly brownish red, which is a normal phenomenon. However, if the hair naturally turns red or reddish brown, it may be caused by heavy metal poisoning such as lead and arsenic, and you should consult a doctor in time for diagnosis.  (4) Young people have white hair early-beware of gastrointestinal diseases and other diseases.    Adolescents have gray hair, usually accompanied by symptoms of kidney deficiency, which is a symptom of kidney qi deficiency, and if there are symptoms of heart deficiency, it is caused by exhaustion of heart and blood. If the hair suddenly turns white in a large amount in a short time, and the face is red and bitter, irritable and irritable, it is a manifestation of liver disease. Young people's hair is prematurely white, which may be caused by diseases such as atherosclerosis, tuberculosis, anemia, gastrointestinal disease and so on. Alopecia areata, vitiligo, mottle disease and other diseases can also cause a lot of whitening of the hair. ②Hair loss, be careful of kidney deficiency and insufficient qi and blood.    Chinese medicine believes that 'the kidney governs hair.' The function of the kidney also affects the hair, and hair loss is also common in cases of kidney deficiency. In addition, people with anemia and insufficient qi and blood; Chinese medicine emphasizes that 'Qi is the rate of blood, and hair is the camp of blood.' Therefore, sufficient nourishment of qi and blood can maintain healthy hair production. Female hair loss: For women, except for some genetic factors, most abnormal hair loss occurs after childbirth. From pregnancy, postpartum to breastfeeding, women’s qi and blood will be insufficient, leading to a large number of hair loss. At this time, blood is usually the mainstay.
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