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Have you ever cared about the sub-health of the scalp?

by:V-Care     2021-03-22
Generally speaking, the cycle of scalp metabolism is 28 days like that of facial skin. Cells are produced from the basal layer, divide continuously, and pass through the spinous layer and granular layer to become keratinocytes. After reaching the surface, stay behind for a period of time, and then turn into dander and fall off. So reciprocating, constantly metabolizing. In daily life, have you really cared about the maintenance of the scalp? Dust pollution in modern cities is serious, the exhaust of cars on the streets, computer radiation in office buildings, and daily cell phone radiation, coupled with incorrect daily combing and shampooing methods, and sub-healthy scalp such as itchy, dry and oily hair Problem, you have to fight a long battle of scalp care to get rid of the bad luck of sub-healthy scalp. Scalp oil, the hair ends are rough and frizzy. Mixed hair should choose a scalp care product to balance the secretion of scalp oil and improve the growth environment of the hair roots. At the same time, use a moisturizing conditioner and apply it to the hair ends. Excessive intake of sweets can also increase scalp sebum and cause various scalp problems. Change the sweets for afternoon tea to sugar-free snacks. Not only the numbers on the scale are reduced, but the scalp is also clean and refreshed. If you really can't help sweets, you have to wash your hair frequently and use good hair care products. Hair and hair should also be protected from the sun. The ultraviolet radiation between our scalp and hair makes the scalp dehydrated, and the hair becomes dry, broken and split, and even the color of the hair becomes lighter. Therefore, before going out, you should prepare a UV umbrella or wear a cap with good air permeability.
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