Going to the fire in early autumn, girls can eat these fruits!

by:V-Care     2021-03-25
Dry air in autumn not only hurts the lungs, but can also cause fires. As far as autumn diet conditioning is concerned, eat more foods that reduce fire, and fruits are one of them! 1. Carambola Carambola has a good effect on inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. It can be used to treat aphtha, sore throat and other symptoms of fever. Clean the carambola, cut it horizontally into a five-pointed star, and eat it raw. , Not only tastes good, but also has the effect of reducing fire! Some girls often have acne or sores on the corners of their mouths, and often eat some starfruit, which can alleviate these conditions! 2. Persimmon has a sweet and astringent taste and cold in nature, but its sugar content is one to two times higher than that of ordinary fruits. It can nourish the lungs and protect the stomach, remove dry fire, and regular consumption can replenish deficiency and relieve cough. It is good for removing fire in early autumn. One of the fruits. When I was young, I especially liked persimmons. I thought the cores were very delicious. I didn’t think that persimmons can help to reduce fire in early autumn. Girls can try it! 3. Grapes Nourishes qi and kidneys, promotes body fluids and relieves cough. Eat some grapes in early autumn, which can relieve internal heat and detoxify. Women eat more grapes, which are very helpful for beauty and beauty, and adjustment of complexion. Grapes can be said to be light and beautiful fruits, eaten as snacks in the office, healthy and convenient! 1. Pear is called fast fruit and jade milk. It is called 'natural mineral water' because of its freshness and juicy. It has the effects of clearing away heat and detoxification, promoting body fluid and moisturizing dryness, clearing the heart and reducing fire, and has quite good nourishment to the lungs, bronchus and upper respiratory tract. Efficacy, eating one or two pears every day in early autumn can alleviate the dryness of autumn! Finally, personal product manufacturers are actively inviting powerful distributors across the country to join in to create wealth together. Friends who are interested in acting as a sanitary napkin agent, please hurry up and seize the opportunity to enter the market as soon as possible.
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