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Fujian diapers: babies should not urinate after one year old

by:V-Care     2021-03-05
As each baby is born and grows up, parents have to face a question: Do you want to pee the child? When is the urine suitable? Experts pointed out that it is not recommended for babies within one year of age to urinate. Blind urination will cause children to resist, and it is not conducive to the establishment of the child's bladder storage function. Whether to give the baby urine is always a controversial issue. Parents who support urine for babies believe that it is convenient and environmentally friendly to save costs; parents who oppose urine for babies believe that the baby’s physical and psychological development is not mature enough to consciously control defecation, and parents force it Urine has caused physical and psychological harm to the baby. Zhang Silai, former director of the Department of Pediatrics at Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, pointed out that it is generally not recommended for babies under one year of age to have urine training, because parents have the wrong time, which can easily cause children to resist, and instead give them toilet training in the future. Bring difficulties. 'However, if some children are not resistant to peeing, and parents are more accurate in grasping the rules of their children's urine, they are not opposed to peeing. 'It is understood that when the baby is born, the organs are not mature, the bladder capacity is small, and the kidney metabolism is imperfect. Most babies are between one and a half to two years old before the bladder develops to hold the urine, and they understand the physical sensory signals when they have to go to the toilet, and they will tell you in advance. In addition, babies can sit, stand, walk, squat, and rise flexibly after they reach one and a half years old, which shows that their muscles and nerves have developed to a certain extent. Physiologically, they can control the storage and release of poop or urine; psychologically, babies can also understand the instructions of adults. At this time, the baby can be trained to express the'willing to urinate', and at the same time, the baby can be trained to sit in the basin. In order to cultivate children’s toilet habits, it is recommended that parents set an example, take their children to the bathroom, tell them to go to the bathroom to urinate, and pee in the toilet. Children often like to imitate. When the child urinates in the toilet, praise the child in time to consolidate this Behavior, the child will develop the habit of going to the toilet over time. The above content is organized from: Fujian Diapers Next: When is it appropriate to start toilet training?
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