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Fujian diaper manufacturers tell you why spring is important for the healthy growth of babies

by:V-Care     2021-03-05
According to research by relevant departments, spring is very important for children, and the temperature in spring is moderate, which is very suitable for children to grow up. During this period of time, the baby's body demand for various nutrients will be greater than at other times. Therefore, the adjustment of the baby's diet is very important at this time. Today, the Fujian diaper manufacturer tells you how to adjust the baby's diet in spring. 1. Appropriate supplementation of foods high in calcium. We all know that calcium is the key factor for growth, so we should give children more soy products, fish, shrimp, sesame, etc. When the weather is good, try to take them to outdoor activities. Bask in the sun. 2. Appropriately increase protein. As the baby continues to grow, the organs and tissues have higher and higher requirements for protein. Therefore, the usual staple food should be rich in protein. Add eggs, fish, shrimp, chicken, pork, etc. or dairy products. You can eat more millet, red beans, etc. 3. Pay attention to the intake of vitamins. Vitamins are very important to the body. If the intake is too low, it will affect the baby's resistance and cause symptoms such as colds and bleeding gums. Fourth, choose some nourishing foods, such as jujube, mushrooms, shiitake mushrooms, fungus and other foods with the same medicine and food to increase the baby's dietary nutrition. But keep in mind that only if the body is weak and with the consent of the doctor can you take reasonable medication. Otherwise, it should be mainly sweet and plain foods. The above is the information compiled by the Fujian diaper manufacturer for you. For more information, please visit: http: // Next: Maternal and Child Products Wish you all a happy New Year in the Year of the Monkey
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