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Fresh 'orange' to wake up a good mood for the day

by:V-Care     2021-03-18
According to the 'Summary of Medical PrescriptionsEating an orange every day can halve the incidence of oral, esophageal and gastric cancer. In fact, oranges are not the most nutritious food. Its potassium, magnesium, and iron mineral content is not as good as fresh dates, flavonoids are not as good as hawthorn, and carotene is not as good as papaya and mango. However, as one of the common fruits around us, oranges are rich in yield, cheap and edible in all seasons, so they are valued by people in terms of dietary nutrition. Let’s talk to the editor about the benefits of oranges! 1. Sweet and slimming Oranges are rich in pulp, sweet and refreshing in juice, and rich in pectin and dietary fiber, which can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, clear the bowel and reduce the accumulation of toxins in the body. 2. Antioxidant Oranges contain more than 170 antioxidants and more than 60 flavonoids and citrins, which not only increase the elasticity of capillaries, but also help reduce the possibility of heart disease. 3. Relieve stress. Oranges contain plant hormones, which can effectively relieve anxiety and fatigue after being absorbed by the skin and respiratory system. The editor suggested that if you are tired from work, you might as well smell the refreshing orange scent. Finally, personal product manufacturers are actively attracting investment across the country. Sanitary napkin agency, sanitary napkin wholesale and other businesses sincerely invite you to join us!
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