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Don't change sanitary napkins often? Be careful to turn into a bacterial culture dish

by:V-Care     2021-03-25
A woman needs about 15,000 sanitary napkins in her lifetime. But this small personal thing, once used improperly, is likely to cause health risks. A few days ago, some experts even raised worryingly: Sanitary napkins are sometimes simply a germ bomb carried by women, which can cause a mild or serious disease at any time. An official of the World Health Organization once stated that 50% of patients with gynecological diseases in the world have used unclean sanitary products. According to statistics from authoritative departments, there are about 340 million women in the age group who need to use sanitary napkins in my country. So how can so many women avoid the 'attack' of the 'germ bomb' when using sanitary napkins? How should women care for the health of their delicate private parts? The menstrual period is called 'extraordinary period' by many women. Women in this period have poor resistance. If they don't pay attention to nursing, it will cause various discomforts. It is understood that my country’s statistics as early as 1996 show that 38% of people who use unqualified sanitary napkins suffer from serious gynecological diseases, and 73% of women will feel local skin itching, burning, and burning during menstruation. , After using unclean sanitary napkins, about 80% of women will experience symptoms such as high fever, headache, and abdominal pain during menstruation. In this regard, relevant experts said that this is because the female pelvic cavity, uterus, cervix, vagina, and external environment are all connected. This structure makes the female reproductive system vulnerable to external pathogens. Especially during menstruation, the resistance of the reproductive organs decreases and becomes more fragile than usual. If you use substandard sanitary napkins, you are prone to infection. In addition, menstrual blood is rich in nutrients, so it becomes a 'medium' for the proliferation of bacteria. An experiment showed that after 2 hours of continuous use of ordinary sanitary napkins, the total number of surface bacteria can reach 107 per square centimeter. After reading such terrible data, the editor reminds you that it is best to change your sanitary napkins within two hours during your menstrual period. In addition, personal product manufacturers are actively inviting powerful distributors across the country to join in to create wealth. Friends who are interested in acting as a sanitary napkin agent, please hurry up and seize the opportunity to enter the market as soon as possible.
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