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Don't be fooled by the acid-base physique (Part 1)

by:V-Care     2021-03-25
'The blood of healthy people is weakly alkaline, about pH 7.35~7.45. Babies are also weakly alkaline. Adult adults have acidification of their physique, which is the source of all diseases. For example, according to A study on the distribution of body fluids of 600 cancer patients showed that 85% of cancer patients are acidic. Therefore, how to maintain a weakly alkaline constitution is the first step to stay away from cancer.' Recently, such an article on acid-base physique and cancer His long articles are spread hot on the Internet. Although the acid-base physique has been said for a long time, is it really that simple to face the difficult medical problem of cancer? Today, the editor tells you the truth about this 'acid-base physical fitness package cures all diseases'. First, there is no acid-base physique at all! Under the condition of natural health, the PH value of blood in everyone's body is maintained at about 7.4, which is weakly alkaline, and the acid-base substances produced will change due to the continuous intake of metabolism. In the long-term evolutionary process, the human body has continuously enhanced its ability to adapt to the external environment including food, and a complete and powerful buffer system and adjustment system have been established and perfected. For example, the lungs and kidneys can remove most of the acid through breathing and urine, while the sophisticated buffer system of body fluids only needs to deal with the remaining small part of the acid. These harmful acids were neutralized long before they had time to make waves. In short, the human body has its own set of wonderful mechanisms that cooperate with each other to ensure the acid-base balance of the internal environment. Although there will be small fluctuations, this passivity can almost be ignored, because it always hoveres between 7.35 and 7.45, so there is no distinction between acidic and alkaline physiques. Second, the occurrence of diseases in important organs does make the body's acid-base imbalance, but isn't it because the susceptibility to illness is due to an acidic body? Some people may wonder that our body is weakly alkaline in natural health. What if we are sick? According to the editor’s understanding, ordinary diseases do not change the acid-base level. Only after the acid-base balance system is destroyed, the acid-base imbalance will appear. If there are problems with the lungs and kidneys, a large amount of acidic substances cannot be eliminated. Then there will be acidosis. There is another situation, eating too many acidic or alkaline drugs may cause acid and alkalosis, because these are no longer normal acid-base intakes for the body, and the balance system cannot cope with it. Up. All in all, the so-called 'acidic constitution is easy to get cancer' is just a castle in the air.
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