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Do you know that you are slowly getting old? (under)

by:V-Care     2021-03-20
Immediately after the last issue, in order to retain everyone’s youth, I will share with you some anti-aging foods. 1. Walnuts: for brain health, the nutritional value of 500g walnuts is equivalent to 2500g eggs or 4500g milk. The protein in walnuts contains lysine, which is extremely important to the human body, and is very beneficial to the brain. 2. Cabbage: It is particularly rich in vitamin C and rich in fiber, which promotes gastrointestinal motility, keeps the digestive system young and vigorous, and helps detoxification. 3. Yogurt: helps digestion, effectively prevents intestinal infections, and improves human immune function. In addition, yogurt is relatively fat content, high in calcium, and rich in vitamin B2. 4. Chocolate: It has a calming effect. The taste and taste can stimulate the happiness center in the brain to make people happy. In addition, chocolate can also snorting, delaying the formation of teeth caused by demineralization. 5. Tomato: Anti-cancer, sweet and sour taste to promote appetite, and whitening effect. 6. Strawberry: Improve skin texture, relieve diarrhea, relieve liver and urinary tract diseases. It can also strengthen the gums, freshen the breath, and moisturize the throat. 7. Oranges: A medium-sized orange can provide vitamin C needed for a day, improve the body's ability to resist bacteria, remove harmful free radicals in the body, and inhibit the growth of tumor cells. Finally, personal product manufacturers are actively inviting powerful distributors across the country to join in to create wealth together. Friends who are interested in acting as a sanitary napkin agent, please hurry up and seize the opportunity to enter the market as soon as possible.
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