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Do you have to pay attention to time when drinking soup?

by:V-Care     2021-03-23
Do you have to pay attention to time when drinking soup? It sounds like you might think it’s a bit more real, but if you choose the right time to drink the soup, whether it’s for weight loss or health, the effect is really different. Let me show you the health regimen here. . Many people have heard a saying, 'Drink soup before meals, slim and healthyDrinking soup before meals can reduce food intake by about 15% without affecting satiety. In other words, it is to drink some soup in advance to make the stomach less hungry and slumped, so that you will not feel so anxious when eating, and the eating speed will be slow. At the same time, because there is some water in the stomach, dry food will absorb water and expand in the stomach, and the feeling of fullness will come earlier than when eating dry food, and it is less likely to overeat. If you want to reduce your meal intake after drinking liquids, you need to drink water about 20 minutes before a meal. Drinking beverages or water at this time will significantly reduce the food intake, and even if you drink sugary beverages or starchy soup, the amount of soup plus the amount of food eaten, the total calorie intake is still higher than that before the meal. Drink less liquids. In other words, this kind of soup before meals is conducive to weight control. The pre-meal soup of western food is usually shorter than 20 minutes from the main meal, which may not have the effect of restricting appetite; while the traditional post-meal soup for Chinese banquets can only add more salt and more to the full stomach. Fat out. Researchers can't answer accurately, why the 20 minutes before a meal is effective, but too early or too late is not enough. It is speculated that the possible mechanism may be this: after drinking water, the speed of the liquid being emptied from the stomach is very fast, about ten to twenty minutes. If the water is completely emptied, the swelling state of the stomach disappears, and the state of hunger returns to the state of hunger, then the effect of suppressing appetite is relatively limited. Therefore, if you eat food before completely emptying the water, the food absorbs part of the water that has not been emptied, which can keep the stomach in a certain state of swelling, which may improve satiety. However, if you eat while drinking water, the sensation of stomach distension has not been transmitted to the appetite control center of the brain in time, and it will not have the effect of suppressing appetite.
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