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Do some 'small actions' for health

by:V-Care     2021-03-27
In our daily life, we always hear a lot of health rumors. Today, the editor tells you a few genuine health exercises. Let you do some 'small exercises' to add points to your health. 1. Soak your nose to prevent colds. The autumn wind blows and the weather is cool. In order to prevent a cold, we can first hold a handful of cold water bubbles in the nose when washing our face in the morning, then inhale a little water, and then pinch the nose. This method can enhance the ability of the upper respiratory tract to adapt to the cold air. It is easier to eat vitamin C every day. 2. Sunlight cures headaches. Headache is a common disease in the office. WebMD, the largest health website in the United States, recently announced a new discovery about it: staring at the computer screen for a long time and not getting natural light into your eyes is also an important cause of headaches in the office! So, please look out the window from time to time, because the sun will make your headache go away. 3. Calcium supplement to resist cold. Calcium supplementation is the most important nutritional principle to be followed when welcoming cold weather. If you are worried about milk quality or lactose intolerance, you can have a cup of oatmeal, order a bento with shrimp skin for lunch, and a bowl of fragrant pork bones in the evening. Seaweed soup, the calcium brought by these three dishes is not inferior to a cup of high-quality milk! 4. Indulge yourself during the holidays. Eat whatever you want. Don’t have a burden in your heart. A few meals will not deform your body. As long as you don’t overeating, you can restore your normal eating habits after the holiday. It’s no big deal to give your appetite a vacation. Once depressed for too long, it will cause a rebound. The physical and psychological damage will be great!
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