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Do not defecate a day is equivalent to smoking three packs of cigarettes

by:V-Care     2021-03-28
For women who love beauty, constipation has become one of the biggest enemies. Constipation can accumulate toxins in women's bodies, leading to metabolic disorders, endocrine disorders and imbalances in trace elements. And it is the accumulation of this kind that makes women more and more aging. You can never expect that 90% of the diseases in the human body are related to the unclean intestines. One day without defecation is equivalent to smoking 3 packs of cigarettes. According to the editor, the first thing that people age is the spleen and stomach, which make our body's most important digestion and absorption organs, and the absorption of nutrients is inseparable from it. Once there is a problem with the spleen and stomach, when toxins and garbage cannot be eliminated from the body, various diseases will entangle us. The main cause of intestinal aging is constipation. The human body is like a factory. A large amount of stool is blocked in the intestine, and the body functions cannot function normally. The intestine blocked by toxins and garbage prevents the body from reabsorbing nutrients, resulting in dull complexion and spots. Pox is overgrown. The reason why constipation makes people become aging is because the body's toxins continue to increase, the body's metabolism is disordered, endocrine disorders and the imbalance of trace elements. In addition, constipation can cause abnormal breast tissue cell development and increase the possibility of breast cancer. According to a survey by Xiaobian, women who defecate daily have a 5% chance of having breast cancer, while women who defecate twice a week or less have a 25% chance of having breast cancer. Therefore, the editor suggests that in order to avoid constipation, you can drink a glass of warm water every morning, eat regularly and quantitatively, and remember to defecate regularly!
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