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Daily vitamin C supplementation, how much do you know?

by:V-Care     2021-03-21
As long as you pay attention, you will find vitamin C everywhere in the office. As an essential nutrient for the human body, vitamin C can not only whiten, but also prevent and treat a variety of diseases. Therefore, people consciously supplement vitamin C in daily life. But how much do you know about the misunderstanding of taking vitamin C supplements? Misunderstanding 1: Vitamin C can prevent and treat colds. In life, many people think that Vitamin C has high nutritional value and can help prevent and treat colds. In fact, vitamin C has anti-oxidation ability, which can reduce the damage of oxidative free radicals to the human body to a certain extent. However, the intake of vitamin C is only an auxiliary treatment for colds, and there is no scientific research evidence that it can prevent and treat colds. Therefore, the editor reminds you that you must remember to take medicine if you have a cold, and you must seek medical advice in time for serious colds. Misunderstanding 2: Vitamin C and shrimp are poisoned when eaten together. The reason why it is spread that vitamin C and shrimp will cause poisoning because Shake contains a high concentration of five potassium arsenic compounds. Taking vitamin C together will turn it into toxic tripotassium arsenic. Commonly known as arsenic. However, firstly, the arsenic in seafood is mainly organic arsenic. Inorganic arsenic with less than 4% content will automatically be excluded from the body. Then, if you really want to be 'poisonedThe amount of 100Mg arsenic. Misunderstanding 3: The more vitamin C supplements, the better. Vitamin C is the nutrient most demanded by the human body, which can improve the body's immunity. However, according to the recommendations of the Chinese Nutrition Society, ordinary people can already obtain the prescribed dose of vitamin C in their daily diet, which is 100 mg. On the contrary, excessive intake of vitamin C can cause gastrointestinal disorders and kidney stones.
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