Come learn how to buy sanitary napkins!

by:V-Care     2021-03-21
Buying sanitary napkins is an experience that every woman has, but not every woman knows how to choose a sanitary napkin. Now we all come to learn how to buy sanitary napkins! 1. Read the label clearly. When buying sanitary napkins, you should check the product label, try to choose the product produced recently. The outer package should have the sanitary license number, the production date and the shelf life, etc., and you should check it carefully. 2. Check the quality of sanitary napkins and choose small packages as much as possible. You will definitely wonder why you should choose small packages. Because of the production of regular sanitary napkins, most of the batches are huge, and each package is independent and has a smooth seal, and there should be no air leakage. A good sanitary napkin has a clean surface, uniform thickness and a neat and undamaged seal. 3. Choose sanitary napkins according to their own feelings. Every woman has a lot of experience in using sanitary napkins. There are many types of sanitary napkins on the market, including cotton surface, mesh surface, scented or medicated sanitary napkins, etc., according to their own Choose the most suitable sanitary napkin based on the usage and actual feelings. 4. Choose a variety of types of sanitary napkins. Generally speaking, sanitary napkins are divided into day-use and night-use, mini-towel pads. When the amount is large, you need to use wing-type sanitary napkins during the day and night-safe sanitary napkins at night. Just use the standard type. You can use mini towels or pads before and after menstruation. It's an intimate match, and you need special care during menstruation! Finally, personal product manufacturers are actively inviting powerful distributors across the country to join in to create wealth together. Friends who are interested in acting as a sanitary napkin agent, please hurry up and seize the opportunity to enter the market as soon as possible.
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