Can't help but want to wash your hair during menstruation? Choosing the right time is the key

by:V-Care     2021-03-19
I believe many women have heard the saying that women cannot wash their hair during menstruation. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the head is the head of the six yang and the uterus is the starting point of the Ren pulse. Therefore, the blood circulation during the period of menstruation is not as good as usual. At this time, shampooing will cause blood to concentrate on the head, affecting the blood circulation in the uterus, so that the blood in the uterus cannot be removed smoothly, causing menstrual pain or other problems. In fact, the results of scientific research have also confirmed the statement of Chinese medicine that if you wash your hair during menstruation, the brain nerves will be stimulated, causing the uterus to contract, which affects the secretion of hormones in the body. Long-term secretion of hormones may lead to cell cancer and cause gynecological cancer. According to the survey, most patients with cervical cancer have the habit of washing their hair during menstruation. In fact, menstrual blood is not dirty blood, but normal human blood, as well as fragments of the uterine lining, cervical mucus, and vaginal epithelium that fall off. Female endocrine can affect uterine contraction and promote the discharge of menstrual blood. However, uterine contractions caused by shampooing during menstruation may increase menstrual blood. Therefore, the editor recommends that female friends do not wash their hair during the first two days of their menstrual period, and choose to wash their hair on the third day or later when the menstrual blood is reduced. At the same time, if possible, female friends should choose to wash their hair at noon during the day, and pay attention to the length of the washing time. After washing, you must take some time to dry your hair and try to avoid going out immediately. Finally, the editor once again reminds everyone that it is not possible to wash your hair at all times during menstruation. In order to prevent the head from catching cold, try to choose a flexible time.
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