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Bad habit of office lunch break-lying on the table is harmful

by:V-Care     2021-03-25
Even for office workers who are restrained by high pressure, it is a good habit to take a short lunch break after a meal. A short break can relieve the spirit. However, many office workers choose to sleep at the table, not only directly compressing the arms and facial nerves, but also causing damage to other parts of the body! Today, the editor will explain in detail the hazards of having a nap at the table! 1. Stomach injury. Take a proper rest after lunch to make it tiring to build, but the stomach is very busy one hour after eating. The table will squeeze the stomach, increase the burden on the stomach, and easily produce flatulence. The editor reminds everyone that long-term bloating can lead to gastric diseases such as gastritis and digestive ulcers. 2. Curved bone vertebrae. The lying table will make the cervical and lumbar vertebrae show bad postures such as reverse flexion or twisting, resulting in incompatible physiological structures. Although this posture will make people relax during sleep, it will cause neck and waist pain over time. 3. Compression of the optic nerve. Lowering your head and sleeping on the table will make your eyeballs oppress, and you will regret your blurred vision at the table. Over time, intraocular pressure rises and vision is impaired, causing diseases such as myopia or glaucoma. Finally, the editor recommends that office workers can choose eye masks and U-shaped neck pillows to protect the cervical spine during a nap to reduce pressure on the lumbar spine. In addition, personal product manufacturers are actively seeking investment across the country, and sanitary napkin agency, sanitary napkin wholesale and other businesses sincerely invite your enthusiasm to join us!
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