Are you entangled in choosing a diaper manufacturer? Why not try this option!

by:V-Care     2021-03-09
In recent years, my country has opened up its second-child policy, and the domestic birth rate has ushered in a new increase. Therefore, the domestic maternal and infant market is very active. Because of the increase in the number of consumer groups, many people have also begun to join the maternal and infant industry. In the entire maternal and infant industry, diapers are considered a very large consumable. Because children can use it from birth to one year old, and even before going to kindergarten. Therefore, many shopkeepers who are new to the maternal and infant industry are focusing on the sales of diapers. So today we will look at the issues that should be paid attention to when choosing a diaper manufacturer. 1. Is the diaper manufacturer qualified? Diapers are in direct contact with the baby's body, and the skin of the baby is delicate, especially the newborn baby, the skin is extremely sensitive, so the state stipulates that any manufacturer of diapers needs to apply to the relevant department, and the review is very strict. Manufacturers can only carry out production after approval by relevant departments, otherwise they will be punished for illegal production. 2. Are the raw materials of the diaper manufacturer safe? The color of diapers on the market is mostly white, and few other colors are also light-colored. Therefore, in order to make the color of diapers more pure and clean, some criminals may use some special methods to process the raw materials of diapers. Therefore, when choosing a diaper manufacturer, you should not only pay attention to the manufacturer’s qualifications, but also pay attention to the safety of the raw materials. 3. Is the environment of the diaper manufacturer clean? In addition to the above two points, it is recommended that you also pay close attention to the production after choosing a manufacturer, and you can make surprise inspections and random samples when necessary. First, check the production progress, and second, determine whether the production site is clean and up to standard. Related tags: diaper manufacturers Previous: Screen diaper manufacturers, teach you practical skills by hand Next: Diaper manufacturers have a lot of ways! Don't choose randomly! The consequences of the election are serious!
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