Also look at the timing of shampooing

by:V-Care     2021-03-20
Many female friends like to wash their hair every day. It is particularly uncomfortable if you don't wash your hair every day. Although washing your hair every day can keep your hair clean, but many people's hair dries as they wash, and the more they wash off, the more serious they become. This is mainly because some shampoos contain chemical ingredients that damage the hair and skin. For the right lifestyle, it is best to wash your hair once every 3 days, and you must also look at the machine to wash it on time. 1. It is not advisable to wash your hair before going to bed. Many people are used to taking a bath before going to bed, so washing their hair becomes very late. Some people feel that the hair dryer will damage their hair and are unwilling to dry their hair. However, washing your hair before going to bed, especially sleeping before you can dry it, can easily cause colds and headaches. Because water stays on the scalp and condenses at night, long-term this will cause stagnation of qi and blood stasis and block the meridians. Therefore, the editor reminds, try not to wash your hair before going to bed, if you must wash your hair, be sure to let your hair dry before going to bed. 2. Wash your hair and hurt your stomach after a full meal. Taking a shower after a full meal will increase the blood flow of your skin and muscles. If there is insufficient blood in your stomach, it will affect the digestion and absorption of food. Although bathing is not a strenuous exercise, for people suffering from cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, washing their hair and bathing immediately after a meal may cause cardiac ischemia and cause a sudden onset of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Therefore, it is best to take a bath one or two hours after a meal, and choose a bathing time according to your physique. For example, people with weak physique can choose to take a bath at noon when the yang energy is strongest.
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