5 points to help you develop good habits

by:V-Care     2021-03-28
Faced with the problem of balanced nutrition, if the usual diet cannot meet the nutritional needs of the body, then some good eating habits can be used to help supplement nutrition. 1. Meat and Vegetable Matching When ordering food in the canteen, pay attention to the meat and vegetable collocation. Always eat moderate amounts of high-quality protein such as chicken, duck, fish, shrimp, and eggs. Eat more vegetables, less fat and red meat; Avoid foods high in sugar and fat, such as candies and fried foods. 2. Eat an egg a day. For breakfast, consider eating a hard-boiled egg with millet porridge, milk or soy milk. Eat some coarse grains, whole grains and beans as appropriate. 3. Drink a glass of milk or yogurt every day. Milk has the effects of nourishing the lungs and stomach, nourishing body fluids and moisturizing the intestines, and has a calming and tranquilizing effect on the human body. 4. Between brunch, fruit or nutlet is the best time to eat fruit is between brunch, not only can supplement vitamins and minerals, but also can supplement sugar and the ability required by the body; and nuts are best in the afternoon Eat it to help restore mental and physical strength. 5. Eat less snacks. Generally, the sugar and salt in snacks are quite high. If you don't pay attention to it, you will get fat, so try not to eat more snacks. Finally, personal product manufacturers are actively seeking investment across the country, and sanitary napkin agency, sanitary napkin wholesale and other businesses sincerely invite you to join us!
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