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4 kinds of food to help you prevent autumn dryness

by:V-Care     2021-03-28
The girls in the north are obviously starting to become less watery again. Although the air is still very hot and sun-dried in the early autumn, the skin begins to appear dry due to the loss of moisture. Of course, hydration should be internal and external. According to the traditional Chinese medicine perspective, the autumn diet should be based on the principle of moisturizing and benefiting the smell, and focusing on strengthening the spleen and liver and clearing the lungs. It should be nourishing and easy to digest and absorb. In autumn, you should eat less spicy food, such as ginger, onion, garlic, pepper, etc. At this time, it is not advisable to eat more cold drinks. Do not eat more melons such as watermelon or cantaloupe, otherwise it will easily damage the yang energy of the spleen and stomach and lead to resistance. The force is reduced. The editor will show you what to eat to help you resist dryness. Pears: Pears seem to be fruits specially produced to combat dryness, especially pears rich in the north. They are delicate and juicy, not only moisturizing dryness, but also refreshing the heart and reducing fire. In addition to eating raw, you can also boil a pot of pear water. , Put a little rock candy on it, it is a very good moisturizer. Grapefruit: Grapefruit has a thick skin, but when opened, it is very refreshing and juicy. It is completely in line with the sweet, cold and juicy foods said by Chinese medicine. It is a top-grade product that combats symptoms such as dry mouth, rough skin, and dry stool in autumn. Bananas: Bananas are rich in protein, sugar, potassium, vitamins A and C, and also have a lot of dietary fiber, making them a very good nutritious food. It is especially suitable for people with dry mouth, irritability, dry throat, sore throat, upper gastrointestinal ulcer, hypertension, coronary heart disease, arteriosclerosis. Lotus root: 'Lotus root is a treasure, autumn lotus root is the most tonic.' After autumn, the air is dry and people are prone to irritability. At this time, you should eat more pure heart and moisturizing food to get Qiuzao. Lotus root is rich in trace elements such as iron and calcium, plant protein, vitamins and starch. It has obvious appetizing and clearing heat, moisturizing dryness and quenching thirst, clearing the heart and calming nerves, replenishing blood and qi, and can also enhance human immunity.
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