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4 health food treatments to get rid of the pain of aunt, more effective than painkillers! (under)

by:V-Care     2021-03-28
Back in this issue, continue to share with you the other two natural supplements, it is not difficult to get rid of menstrual cramps. 1. Ginger and brown sugar water: tonic blood to dispel cold, warm stomach and detoxify 15 grams of ginger, 1 spoon of brown sugar, 2 eggs, just boil. Everyone knows that brown sugar water is a treasure, but in fact it has a beauty effect! The Japanese beauty industry has conducted in-depth research on Chinese folk formulas, and found that brown sugar not only has a whitening effect, but also can dispel freckles! 2. Korean traditional persimmon juice: Tongmai relieves pain, warms the body and relieves cold. 30 grams of ginger, 1 persimmon, 3 red dates, 20 grams of brown sugar, 2 sections of cinnamon, 1000 ml of water. Just boil. Korean sister paper relies on this to relieve menstrual pain. Persimmon juice has the sweetness of dried persimmons and the unique taste of cinnamon and ginger. It is delicious and warm. Tips: After boiling twice, the taste of ginger and cinnamon can be maximized. Ginger is very irritating. If you drink it at night, it's best to take it 2 hours before going to bed. Finally, personal product manufacturers are actively seeking investment across the country, and sanitary napkin agency, sanitary napkin wholesale and other businesses sincerely invite you to join us!
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