3 common foods you should not touch during menstruation

by:V-Care     2021-03-21
Women's body immunity is not as good as usual during menstruation. In addition to drinking plenty of water, it is important to choose healthy foods during menstruation to supplement vitamins and protein. However, eating certain foods incorrectly during menstruation can affect women's health, such as fried foods. Today, the editor will summarize 9 foods to stay away from during menstruation. 1. Fried food In daily life, fried food is often very popular, but it is also called junk food by many people. Because it not only contains a high amount of fat, it is difficult to digest, but also contains a variety of carcinogens. During menstruation, the receptor's internal secretion of progesterone affects the secretion of sebum in menstruating women, and the skin is greasy. At the same time, the capillaries dilate and the skin becomes extremely sensitive. Eating fried food during menstruation will not only increase the burden on the skin, but also cause skin problems such as acne, acne, and folliculitis, but also accumulate a lot of fat in the body. 2. Chocolate I believe many people, like the editor, think that eating chocolate during menstruation can relieve dysmenorrhea and replenish energy. But in fact, this is a wrong idea. Chocolate contains catecholamines, which will aggravate women's irritability and breast pain during menstruation. Chocolate is a kind of high-sugar sweets. Not only can it not improve the symptoms of menstruation, but it can also cause unstable blood sugar, affect the balance of hormones in the body, and aggravate uncomfortable symptoms. 3. Soft drinks First of all, soft drinks contain a lot of sodium bicarbonate, which will reduce the digestive function and bactericidal effect of gastric acid, which will affect appetite. In addition, soft drinks contain a lot of phosphate, which affects the body's iron absorption, making female friends feel tired and fatigued during menstruation, and may even have dysmenorrhea.
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